

The EU Digital Identity Wallet's...

The introduction of the EU Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet marks a significant leap towards a true digital single market. It will enable European citizens to access services seamlessly across borders, reinforcing the EU's vision of a connected digital future. This initiative will revolutionize the financial sector, presenting challenges and opportunities for banks.  


Join us for an exclusive Nets-hosted webinar where three leading experts and experienced international speakers will discuss how the EUDI Wallet will transform the European financial sector. With the first set of implementing acts due on 21 November 2024, it's vital for banks to start preparing now.

Why you should attend:

This webinar will offer a comprehensive exploration of the EUDI Wallet's transformative impact on European financial institutions. Discover how banks can navigate this shift effectively, ensuring compliance and maximizing opportunities. 


 Key discussion points include:

- The crucial role banks could play in the identity framework. in providing identity wallets. Trust is a cornerstone. Banks are in a key position to deliver.   

- The EU Digital Identity Framework and its critical components that will redefine financial services. 

- Cross-border transactions : Learn how the EUDI Wallet will enable secure and seamless access to services across borders.  

- The eIDAS regulation that will reshape digital identity and compliance requirements for banks. 

-Implementation strategies to prepare for the wallet integration. Consolidation of Identity verification systems paves the way. 


Meet our panel of experts:

Kristian Sørensen, Viky Manaila, and Oscar Santolalla are all esteemed international speakers with a wealth of expertise in the digital identity space. 

They each bring unique insights into the regulatory landscape, digital transformation, and strategic innovation of digital wallets and trust services. All three share a commitment to shaping the future of digital identity, actively contributing to the European vision of a connected digital future. 

19.06.2024. 262 views

Rethinking KYC: Amaze your customers...

As we covered in our previous webinar "Rethinking KYC", consumers have come to expect seamless onboarding experiences that can take place anywhere with little to no effort. Instead of requiring customers to physical branches, having a modern mobile-first solution for KYC, will help banks and businesses to provide a frictionless mobile onboarding experience using a simple smartphone app.

With a digital API-driven solution that bridges the gap between physical ID documents and digital identification, in a modular and flexible KYC option, banks can bring down abandonment rates and meet customers' demand for efficiency when opening an account. 

​In this webinar, we will dig a little deeper into the Nets Passport Reader and the functionalities that can improve the onboarding flow and provide positive customer experiences. 

Join the next KYC webinar to learn:

- ​How you can ensure secure and global identity verification to improve customer onboarding through record-time implementation. 

- Great insights from the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency, who can now issue its own eID (MinID Passport) as a result of a fully digital 3-minutes onboarding process. 

- How innovative chatbot-guided onboarding can help you to better engage with your prospects and customers while reducing drop-off during any application process, i.e. bank account opening, with a case study from Nets technology partner, Boost AI. 

- Benefits from choosing our 'ready-to-use' Passport Reader App vs SDK (software development kit) option for easy integration into your existing app.


Guest speaker from the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency

14.06.2021. 334 views



Nets-Kotipizza_Customer _testimonial_ENG

Nets Kotipizza customer testimonial on gift-cards. With English susbtitles
28.03.2019. 162 views

Nets Financing-Tingi Tongi customer...

Tingi & Tongi kasvatti liikevaihtoaan Nets Financingin avulla jopa 15%
Löytömyymälä ja kirpputori Tingi & Tongi toimii tunnelmallisissa vanhan villatehtaan tiloissa Hyvinkäällä. Nets Financing -rahoituksen avulla yritys onnistui kasvattamaan liikevaihtoansa vain neljässä kuukaudessa noin 10-15%. Nopea ja mutkaton palvelu teki rahoituksen hankkimisesta hyvin helppoa.
26.11.2019. 209 views

Nets-Taksi Helsinki Customer testimonial

FI subtitles
03.05.2019. 148 views



Nets Passport Reader

12.10.2020. 2,625 views

Digital Identity: Balancing customer...

McKinsey​* ha​s called it the next $20 billion market and the growth is staggering. Digital identity has obvious benefits and the business case has been proven many times over, yet many countries are lagging behind in digitising the financial sector. Why is that and what will this do to banks’ competitiveness over time? How can we break down the chicken & egg problem that exists in this market through smart use of availab​le technology combined with ecosystem thinking?

There are several obstacles to overcome in realising the business case of digital identity for the banks, but time is running out as both global technology players and the payment schemes are moving fast to capture this market. Losing the battle for digital identity can also mean losing the customer interface over time, so there is no time to lose.​​​​

In this webinar, digitisation expert, Thomas Voksø, and industry opinion leader, Sirpa Nordlund, discuss the importance of digital ID in banking today and the obstacles to overcome.
15.09.2020. 188 views

DIBS blir til Nets

DIBS begravelsesseremoni 12. desember 2020. DIBS ble kjøpt av Nets i 2014 og fullintegrert i konsernet 12. desember 2019.

Fusjonen gir kundene tilgang til en bredere produktportefølje. I tillegg til nettbetaling får kundene tilgang til bl.a. omnikanal-løsning, elektroniske kvitteringer, innløsning og fysiske terminaler.

Navnet er dødt, men kompetansen lever videre.

10.01.2020. 226 views



Nets Financing How it works EN

A short video of how the Nets Financing Split setup works
13.01.2022. 214 views

Nets Financing Product Presentation EN

A short into video to the Nets Financing product - as it is presented to our customers
13.01.2022. 98 views


ENGlish Nets Reward film
31.03.2020. 191 views

Hvordan fullføre søknad for Easy...

I denne videoen demonstrerer vi hvordan du kan søke/aktivere din Easy konto.
06.03.2020. 1,329 views

Modtag betalinger med Dankort på mobilen

Dankort på mobilen minder i hastighed og brug om det kontaktløse Dankort. Det er blot kundens smartphone, der anvendes til at betale med i stedet for det fysiske Dankort. For at kunne benytte Dankort på mobilen, skal kunden have en af de mange apps, der understøtter Dankort på mobilen, og din terminal skal være sat op til mobilbetaling. Det koster ikke kunden noget at bruge Dankort på mobilen og det koster heller ikke dig som forretning ekstra at tage imod Dankort på mobile. De nye mobiltransaktioner er en del af det nuværende Dankort abonnement og det kræver ikke en ny aftale at tage imod mobilbetaling.
23.03.2017. 2,590 views

Demo - Avtaleregistrering i Nets Online

Denne demoen viser en gjennomgang av å registere, slette etc en avtale I Nets Online.

Language Norwegian

14.11.2016. 1,007 views



Video guide: Order NemID Service...

Learn how to become a NemID Service Provider
18.08.2017. 906 views

Fi_Maksupäätteen valikoiden...

Fi_Maksupäätteen valikoiden käyttö_viking-iWL250
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12.07.2017. 984 views