SELECT BY CATEGORY: Nets | Dankort | Betalingsservice | NemID | Avtalegiro | eFaktura | Terminals | Other

All-in-one payment terminal

2,076 views 24.05.2016.

Language: ENGLISH At Money20/20 Europe in Copenhagen in April 2016 Nets presented a brand new way...


Nets Mobile Services

1,028 views 28.02.2014.

Language: ENGLISH with Norwegian subtitles Experience Nets Mobile Services that enables banks to...


Digital Receipts by Storebox

1,601 views 12.04.2016.

Language: ENGLISH Stop searching for missing receipts. Get everything in our Storebox App. Used...


Digital Identity: Balancing customer experience...

189 views 15.09.2020.

McKinsey​* ha​s called it the next $20 billion market and the growth is staggering. Digital...


DIBS blir til Nets

231 views 10.01.2020.

DIBS begravelsesseremoni 12. desember 2020. DIBS ble kjøpt av Nets i 2014 og fullintegrert i...


Started new business - FI.m4v

433 views 21.05.2019.

Gmail - Starting new business - FI


Started new business - DK.m4v

169 views 21.05.2019.

Gmail - Starting new business - DK


Owning a business - FI.m4v

218 views 21.05.2019.

Gmail owning a business FI


Owning a business - DK.m4v

185 views 21.05.2019.

Gmail Owning a business - DK


249 views 21.05.2019.

FI video ad for gmail


All-in-one payment terminal

Language: ENGLISH
At Money20/20 Europe in Copenhagen in April 2016 Nets presented a brand new way to accept mobile payments.
24.05.2016. 1,503 views

Nets Mobile Services

Language: ENGLISH with Norwegian subtitles
Experience Nets Mobile Services that enables banks to deliver custom made wallets to their customers.
28.02.2014. 1,028 views

Digital Receipts by Storebox

Language: ENGLISH
Stop searching for missing receipts. Get everything in our Storebox App. Used by more than 2,500 merchants.
12.04.2016. 1,601 views

Nets Passport Reader

12.10.2020. 2,651 views

Digital Identity: Balancing customer experience with...

McKinsey​* ha​s called it the next $20 billion market and the growth is staggering. Digital identity has obvious benefits and the business case has been proven many times over, yet many countries are lagging behind in digitising the financial sector. Why is that and what will this do to banks’ competitiveness over time? How can we break down the chicken & egg problem that exists in this market through smart use of availab​le technology combined with ecosystem thinking?

There are several obstacles to overcome in realising the business case of digital identity for the banks, but time is running out as both global technology players and the payment schemes are moving fast to capture this market. Losing the battle for digital identity can also mean losing the customer interface over time, so there is no time to lose.​​​​

In this webinar, digitisation expert, Thomas Voksø, and industry opinion leader, Sirpa Nordlund, discuss the importance of digital ID in banking today and the obstacles to overcome.
15.09.2020. 189 views

DIBS blir til Nets

DIBS begravelsesseremoni 12. desember 2020. DIBS ble kjøpt av Nets i 2014 og fullintegrert i konsernet 12. desember 2019.

Fusjonen gir kundene tilgang til en bredere produktportefølje. I tillegg til nettbetaling får kundene tilgang til bl.a. omnikanal-løsning, elektroniske kvitteringer, innløsning og fysiske terminaler.

Navnet er dødt, men kompetansen lever videre.

10.01.2020. 231 views

Started new business - FI.m4v

Gmail - Starting new business - FI
21.05.2019. 421 views

Started new business - DK.m4v

Gmail - Starting new business - DK
21.05.2019. 160 views

Owning a business - FI.m4v

Gmail owning a business FI
21.05.2019. 193 views

Owning a business - DK.m4v

Gmail Owning a business - DK
21.05.2019. 172 views

FI video ad for gmail
21.05.2019. 205 views

Machine learning

What is machine learning and how can it benefit business. How Nets is using machine learning. An interview of Juha-Pekka Koskinen, Data Scientist, Nets.
29.11.2017. 599 views

Nets Omnichannel Experience

Nets Omni Channel Experience - how smarter payments create unique customer encounters

If you want to learn more about the benefits of omnichannel payments, please read our blog on the topic:

24.01.2017. 770 views

Swiss TV-program on future payments

Jeppe Juul-Andersen is appearing in this TV program which was recorded in April 2016 and broadcasted on 8 December 2016 on Swiss TV. Jeppe appears after approx 17 minutes from the central station in Copenhagen.
09.12.2016. 678 views

Nets Innovations

Language: ENGLISH

01.09.2016. 1,732 views

Nets Mobile Services

Language: ENGLISH
23.08.2016. 420 views

Digital wallet

Language: ENGLISH

Nets has developed a white-label digital wallet on which banks can build their own wallet solution tailored to their customers needs.

25.03.2015. 528 views