SELECT BY CATEGORY: Nets | Dankort | Betalingsservice | NemID | Avtalegiro | eFaktura | Terminals | Other

Nets Experiences Hamburger Börs

440 views 29.08.2016.

Meet restaurant Hamburger Börs and see how they connect with their customers and learn about...


Nets Experiences Heureka

346 views 29.08.2016.

Nets Merchant Solutions Experiences Language: FINNISH Subtitle: ENGLISH


Nets Experiences Roa IL Sport Club

236 views 29.08.2016.

Meet Roa IL Sport Club and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their...


Nets Experiences Fitjar Soap

237 views 29.08.2016.

Meet Fitjar Soap and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their payment...


Nets Experiences OsloWinterpark

428 views 29.08.2016.

Meet Oslo Winterpark and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their payment...


Nets Experiences Anitas Seafood

237 views 29.08.2016.

Meet Anita Seafood and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their payment...


Nets FI customer case Restamax

491 views 04.08.2016.

Language: FINNISH


Betalingsservice customer: Tryg

368 views 18.09.2013.

Language: DANISH Hear Danish insurance company Tryg tell about their use of Betalingsservice.


Nets-Kotipizza_Customer _testimonial_ENG

Nets Kotipizza customer testimonial on gift-cards. With English susbtitles
28.03.2019. 161 views

Nets Financing-Tingi Tongi customer testimonial

Tingi & Tongi kasvatti liikevaihtoaan Nets Financingin avulla jopa 15%
Löytömyymälä ja kirpputori Tingi & Tongi toimii tunnelmallisissa vanhan villatehtaan tiloissa Hyvinkäällä. Nets Financing -rahoituksen avulla yritys onnistui kasvattamaan liikevaihtoansa vain neljässä kuukaudessa noin 10-15%. Nopea ja mutkaton palvelu teki rahoituksen hankkimisesta hyvin helppoa.
26.11.2019. 206 views

Nets-Taksi Helsinki Customer testimonial

FI subtitles
03.05.2019. 146 views

Nets Financing Case: Liikuntakeskus HEI

Flexible and stress-free Nets Financing gives security to Health, Energy & Inspiration Oy.

Liikuntakeskus HEI in Pirkkala, Finland is a fitness center run by Health, Energy & Inspiration Oy. With the help of Nets
Financing, the fitness center was able to finance the renovation of the premises easily and without stress.

23.01.2020. 274 views

Nets Financing-Tingi&Tongi customer testomonial

English subtitles
13.01.2020. 225 views

Nets -Vitec Futursoft customer case

Nets tarjoaa FuturSoftin asiakkaille ratkaisut nyt ja tulevaisuudessa
Vitec FuturSoft kehittää joustavia toiminnanohjauksen ohjelmistoja huollon ja teknisen kaupan alalle. Kaikki Vitec FuturSoftin toiminnanohjausjärjestelmää käyttävät asiakkaat tekevät sen avulla myös kauppaa. Netsin maksupäätteet on liitetty osaksi järjestelmää ja käytännössä Nets takaa sen, että maksukorttitapahtumat voidaan hoitaa helposti kaupan loppuvaiheessa.
02.12.2019. 253 views

Part 6: For Nets-internal use only: Nets-day 2019, March...

For Nets-internal use only:

Nets-day 2019 at Radisson Blu Scandinavia, Oslo, with +260 customers attending, video part 6 containing:

Keynote speech by Professor Emeritus Stéphane Garelli: "Nothing is certain, but everything is urgent!"

03.05.2019. 242 views

For internal use only: Part 2 of Nets-day 2019, March 26th

For internal use only:

Video part 2 of Nets-day 2019 at Radisson Blu Scandinavia, Oslo with +260 customers attending:

- Keynote speech by Silvija Seres

02.05.2019. 274 views

Nets__Biltema_Customer case

Teemu Salminen from Biltema talks about Nets MS cooperation
05.04.2019. 145 views


Highlights from Payment International's Customer Forum 22 November 2018.
18.12.2018. 240 views

Interview with Bankart and Giro

Customer interview
15.11.2018. 429 views


17.11.2017. 570 views

Expectations for Slush

An interview of two Nets' customers about their expectations for Slush event 2017.

30.11.2017. 315 views

Nets Experiences Syrjanen

Nets Merchant Solutions Experiences Syrjanen

Language: FINNISH  Subtitle: ENGLISH

29.08.2016. 540 views

Nets Experiences WanhaVeikko

Nets Merchant Solutions Experiences

Language: FINNISH  Subtitle: ENGLISH

29.08.2016. 403 views

Nets Experiences Lalandia

Meet Lalandia and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their payment solutions.

Language: DANISH  Subtitle: ENGLISH

29.08.2016. 474 views

Nets Experiences Carlings

Meet Carlings and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their payment solutions.

Language: SWEDISH  Subtitle: ENGLISH

29.08.2016. 538 views

Nets Experiences EnergiElektrikeren

Meet EnergiElektrikeren and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their payment solutions.

Language: DANISH  Subtitle: ENGLISH

29.08.2016. 397 views

Nets Experiences Hjem-Is

Meet Hjem-Is and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their payment solutions.

Language: DANISH Subtitle: ENGLISH

29.08.2016. 522 views

Nets Experiences Hamburger Börs

Meet restaurant Hamburger Börs and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their payment solutions.

Language: SWEDISH  Subtitle ENGLISH

29.08.2016. 440 views

Nets Experiences Heureka

Nets Merchant Solutions Experiences

Language: FINNISH  Subtitle: ENGLISH

29.08.2016. 346 views

Nets Experiences Roa IL Sport Club

Meet Roa IL Sport Club and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their payment solutions.

Language: NORWEGIAN  Subtitle: ENGLISH

29.08.2016. 236 views

Nets Experiences Fitjar Soap

Meet Fitjar Soap and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their payment solutions.

Language: NORWEGIAN  Subtitle: ENGLISH

29.08.2016. 237 views

Nets Experiences OsloWinterpark

Meet Oslo Winterpark and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their payment solutions.

Language: NORWEGIAN  Subtitle: ENGLISH

29.08.2016. 428 views

Nets Experiences Anitas Seafood

Meet Anita Seafood and see how they connect with their customers and learn about their payment solutions.

Language: NORWEGIAN  Subtitle: ENGLISH

29.08.2016. 237 views

Nets maksupäätteen asiakaskokemuksia - Jannika B

Language: FINNISH
04.08.2016. 314 views

Nets FI customer case Restamax

Language: FINNISH
04.08.2016. 491 views

Betalingsservice customer: Tryg

Language: DANISH
Hear Danish insurance company Tryg tell about their use of Betalingsservice.

18.09.2013. 368 views